This particular piece doesn’t work, isn’t even finished and was never meant to be. It would be safe to say that Browning is most identified with its automatic pistols. Leon showed it to Bruce Browning, another descendent of John Browning, and they identified it as an early workup, of what eventually became a long line of successful automatic pistols.

It looked like an FN 1910 pistol, but was crude, with no markings. He started off talking about a pistol brought to him by a collector in Provo 10 months ago. Leon was discussing the history of Browning’s long line of automatic pistols made and sold in Europe. Nobody else in the world has anything close. It is because of Leon, and the Browning family, that Union Station has the premier collection of Browning firearms. Early pattern for the long line of Browning automatic pistols, recently acquired by Union Station Jones is a member of the Browning family (he married John Browning’s granddaughter) and an avid collector and student of the entire Browning production. The club is an informal affair, meeting monthly (2nd Tuesday, 9 a.m.) at Union Station to talk about Browning funs. Jones was talking about that history Tuesday morning with the monthly meeting of the Browning Firearms Museum Gun Club. One of the five apparently got into Princip’s hands, the pistol performed with the legendary Browning efficiency, and the rest is history. The FN 1910 (Fabrique Nationale is the Belgian company that still makes Browning guns today) that, a 19-year-old revolutionary wielded was one of five.32 calibre pistols that were made by the Belgian company and sent to Serbia as samples for the company agents to show around. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that the pistol that started World War I was not stamped “Made in Japan.” It was a Belgian made FN 1910 Browning Automatic pistol that killed Archduke Ferdinand, but not the one that Union Station Foundation President Leon Jones was waving around Tuesday morning. Leon Jones shows pattern pistol for early Browning pistols. The FN Model 1910 is a blowback-operated, semi-automatic pistol designed by John Browning and manufactured by Fabrique Nationale of Belgium. As.32 ACP), which had been designed for it by Browning. From 1900 to 1912, it was the first pistol ever to use the 7.65mm cartridge (known in the U.S.

Emile Courant, he was the chief of the fire department in.
#2213p2 browning serial numbers serial number
1910 fn browning production dates, benelli serial number dates, benelli serial number lookup, benelli serial number search, benelli serial number year codes, browning 1910 date of manufacture, browning 1910 serial lookup, browning 1910 serial number dates, browning serial number age 1910, fn 1905 manufacture date, fn 1910 date of manufacture, fn 1910 serial numbers, fn 1922 manufacture dates, fn browning 1910 manufacture date info, fn date codes, fn dates of manufacture, fn fnar build date by serial number, fn serial number lookup, fn shot gun date code, fnh fnar dated by serial number.Ī FN 1900 pistol with serial number n° 1!! The markings EC on the side are the initials of the owner.